CRP Network
Contact Information:
- Catherine Brown, MEd, CCRP; crbrown@vcu.edu
- Shirley Helm, MS, CCRP; shirley.helm@vcuhealth.org
The C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research workforce development program sponsors and facilitates the CRP Network, a Community of Practice (CoP) for non-faculty CRPs. The CRP Network includes identified staff within clinical research roles and is led by a Steering Committee representing major business unit managers with CRP direct reports. CRPs and subject matter experts with operational responsibilities comprise the CRP Network Working Group who work collaboratively on identified initiatives and projects.
The Clinical Research Professional (CRP) onboarding checklist was developed to assist managers with the onboarding of newly hired CRPs. The tasks listed are relevant to CRPs that may or may not apply to the assigned research department/role. Managers are expected to review the CRP checklist entirely with new hires to determine which tasks apply to a specific job role. Schools, centers, and departments build upon this checklist for their specific processes and needs.
This quick guide includes key departments and units, regulatory and compliance information, tools, operational systems, and other services and contacts within the research ecosystem.
Newsletter Archives (list for past newsletters - PDF document)