Guidelines and Acknowledgements

For general inquiries about guidelines and acknowledgements, please contact:

BERD core members provide numerous forms of interactions  from short, one-time consultations to long-term collaborative arrangements. After a formal request of assistance, the core will schedule an introductory meeting and draft a Statement of Work (SoW) detailing all agreed-upon activities, which could include: drafting grant/proposal sections, sample size justifications, developing informatics and database management plans, creating statistical analysis plans, forming a dissemination plan, and outlining any relevant fee schedules or funding expectations, if the requested work is beyond the scope of routine services provided by BERD members.


Wright Center BERD members will happily collaborate in creating grant proposals, though we require that BERD member efforts will be sufficiently included in the budget. If projects exceed the scope of routine services provided by Wright Center BERD members, the projects may be referred to the Biostatistical Consulting Laboratory or be subject to fee schedules, as agreed upon in the Statement of Work.

The BERD receives many requests and will not have the capacity to accept every request. For requests that are wait-listed, an expected time for when collaborations could begin will be provided. Initial requests for analytic help where BERD members did not help design or plan the study will be given the lowest priority.

BERD members work in either the SAS and R statistical computing environments, so data needs to be stored in a conventional file format (e.g. comma-separated file) that can be imported into those programs. In addition to all project summaries and dissemination material, BERD members will provide annotated copies of all scripts used for data management and analysis.


Peer-reviewed manuscripts and presentations resulting from consultations or collaborations with BERD members are required to cite the BERD and the Wright Center’s Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) in the acknowledgments section.

Collaborations with BERD members must also include those BERD members as co-authors in any resulting peer-reviewed manuscripts or presentations. Please note that omission of an author who meets the standard requirements is a violation of standard research ethics.

Example Citation: This project [publication] was supported in part by the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) core of the C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Regional Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CTSA award No. UM1TR004360 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent official views of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences or the National Institutes of Health.

Publications supported by BERD members that cite the CTSA award must also be made publicly available on PubMed Central and have a valid PubMed Central ID (PMCID). Learn more under Submit on the Cite & Submit webpage.