For general inquiries about ClinicalTrials.gov, please contact:
The ClinicalTrials.gov administrator at the Wright Center is available to help researchers manage their ClinicalTrials.gov study records.
Quick links:
- Is my study a clinical trial? – a decision tool
- Request a VCU ClinicalTrials.gov account.
- Request assistance creating a new study record.
- Log in to ClinicalTrials.gov's registration system (Organization: VirginiaCU).
What is ClinicalTrials.gov?
ClinicalTrials.gov is the largest registry of clinical trials and observational studies in the world. It was built and is run by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), part of the National Institutes of Health. Some benefits to registering a study to clinicaltrials.gov are increased recruitment, increased visibility of your study and improving the prospect of being accepted to specific journals.
What services can you get assistance with?
The clinicaltrials.gov administrator at VCU can provide assistance with the following tasks related to clinicaltrials.gov:
- Creating a clinicaltrials.gov account
- Registering a new study to clinicaltrials.gov
- Transferring a study from/to another organization for new or departing principal investigators
- Updating content on existing record including, but not limited to, study personnel, recruitment status and related dates
- Entering results
- Uploading informed consent form(s) that require consent posting to comply with the 2018 common rule. VCU’s compliance notice #19-002 outlines which studies are required to comply.
What are the requirements of submitting a study and entering results to clinicaltrials.gov?
VCU’s Compliance Notice #17-003 for ClinicalTrials.gov Registration and Results Reporting outlines when a study needs to be registered, if and when results need to be reported and the penalties for noncompliance.