Scientific Review Committee
For general inquiries about the Scientific Review Committee, please contact:
- Jennifer Economy
- 1 (804) 514-6360
- japhifer@vcu.edu
The Scientific Review Committee provides study design, analytic planning and operational feasibility peer review of clinical research before review by the Institutional Review Board.
The committee's mission is to ensure that all research projects involving humans at VCU meet acceptable standards of scientific rigor and feasibility without obstructing institutional efficiency and timeliness. The mission supports Theme II of VCU's strategic plan, Quest 2025, which aims to "distinguish VCU as a preeminent urban public research university by growing areas of strength as researchers, innovators and educators."
The formation of a Scientific Review Committee at VCU places the university in alignment with the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences’ vision of the future that is currently being adopted by other leading research universities.
The Scientific Review Committee process is designed to maximize efficiencies and provide thorough reviews in a timely manner by collaborating and cooperating with all other entities directed toward human research.
Principal investigators will submit their protocols to the IRB as per usual procedure. If the protocol is to be reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee, the PI will be informed. The committee meets weekly, and communication between the reviewers and study team is encouraged.
The Scientific Review Committee is committed to providing a rigorous scientific peer review and is dedicated to an open, transparent environment. Addressing any questions or concerns is an important component of this process.