Consultation Services
For general inquiries about Consultation Services resources, please contact:
- Rose Williams
- 1 (804) 828-5853
- williamsrm4@vcu.edu
Our team of research professionals help with planning, implementing, conducting, and disseminating research. Our services including identifying and accessing resources, matching researchers with collaborators and providing research training.
Wright Center biostatistics experts can help with preparing a study analysis plan, deciding on appropriate experimental design or analysis strategies, conducting pre-clinical and clinical studies through the provision of interim analyses, analyzing completed studies and more.
The Wright Center helps VCU faculty successfully fund their clinical and translational research projects from across the translational science spectrum. The center’s faculty and staff have years of expertise in grant writing, editing and consultation.
The Scientific Review Committee provides study design, analytic planning and operational feasibility peer review of clinical research before review by the Institutional Review Board.
The ClinicalTrials.gov administrator at the Wright Center is available to help researchers manage their ClinicalTrials.gov study records. The administrator provides assistance in identifying whether studies need to be registered, registering studies, keeping studies up-to-date and reporting results.
Team science is, broadly, individuals working together to research and find solutions to scientific problems. As a Clinical and Translational Science Award hub, the Wright Center provides a support system and network for integrating interdisciplinary teams into your project.
The Wright Center offers community-engaged research consulting services to researchers and community partners. Consultants help with strategic planning, community engagement, research models and participant recruitment. Contact Leah Gregory if you would like to request a consultation.
The VCU Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation provides resources on FDA regulation. Contact the FDA regulatory program manager listed on the FDA Guidance page for consultation on FDA regulation and how it affects your research.
The VCU Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation provides consultation services on research integrity and ethics. Explore the resources on their webpage and contact the experts listed for research ethics consultation or other research integrity inquiries.