Research Navigation
For general inquiries about Clinical Research SOPs, please contact:
- Rose Williams
- 1 (804) 828-5853
- crsop@vcu.edu
The Wright Center research navigator is available to connect VCU researchers to the resources they need to conduct their research. We assist researchers at all stages of the process and at any point in their research careers, from someone just getting started with a new study to an experienced principal investigator finishing a long-running project. On these pages you will find links to the services, tools, and additional research assistance currently available through the Wright Center. If you can’t find what you are looking for here, please contact the research navigator listed in the contact box. We’re here to help.
Do you have an idea for a study but aren’t sure if it can be done or how to do it? Are you new to research and aren’t sure where to start? Use the Wright Center’s resources and expertise to help you turn your research ideas into successful studies!
Good studies do not just happen. They require planning, preparation, and compliance with regulations. Wright Center experts and tools can help ensure everything is in place in time for you to enroll your first study participant.
Data is the backbone of research. Whether it is a chart review of de-identified data or highly sensitive longitudinal data requiring overnight stays and complex procedures, the Wright Center’s tools, facilities, and services are available to help you ensure your data is collected accurately and stored securely.
Even the best planned study cannot run itself. Studies need to be managed and monitored throughout data collection. The Wright Center provides services and tools to help you manage your project
You’ve finished your data collection – that’s an accomplishment! The Wright Center provides services and tools to help you transform your data into something publishable and to help ensure that you’ve completed all the required steps when closing a study.